What is prep vision screening?

Published: 15 June 2022

Watch a video about free vision screening for children in their first year of primary school.
What is Prep Vision Screening?


I use my eyes constantly in the classroom and when I play.

Narrator 1: The primary school nurse health readiness program is a Queensland government initiative offering free vision screening to all children prep, at all state, independent, Catholic schools.

Narrator 2: We have a team of highly trained registered nurses based across Queensland who will visit your child's school during their prep year to conduct vision.

Narrator 3: Vision screening checks for common eye conditions which may impact your child's ability to see, learn and develop. Screening of vision is vital in early childhood as it provides an opportunity for visual abnormalities to be detected early and if treated promptly can lead to improved treatment outcomes.

Narrator 2: To screen your child's vision the nurses will use two different screening tools. These are both fun and interactive for your child. If a vision problem is found during your child's vision screen a nurse will call you to discuss having your child further assessed by an eye health professional. The registered nurse may also follow up with you to discuss the outcome of this further assessment.

School kid: Good vision is very important for me. Because I know when the nurses will be visiting my score. I will need my parent or guardian so you can send to have my eyes checked. He will do this by completing either online or paper consent form. It will be provided closer to the time of the school visit. I am looking forward to having my eyes check.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated01 September 2023


Find out more about Prep vision screening.