Layla has a vision screening

Published: 08 May 2022

Learn what happens when your child has a free vision screening in their first year of primary school.
Vision Screening


Getting my eyes checked at school

Hi, my name is Layla. I am in prep this year.

I am very excited sometimes there are visitors to my school. One of those visitors is a nurse who comes to check my eyes. The nurse is friendly.

She's checking my eyes to see how well I can see. It's easy to get my eyes checked. To check my eyes we get to play a game. The game is fun. I get to dress up like a pirate. Now, I am pirate Layla.

Arrrrghh, me hearties.

To start the game, I need to sit on the chair. I need to sit still on the chair while we play the game. The nurse will ask me some questions. The nurse will ask me my name, when my birthday is, and an adult who I live with.

Then the nurse will put a tissue and a pirate patch over my eye. It feels a bit different having the eye patch on but now I look like a pirate.

The nurse gives me a card to hold. It has letters and shapes on it. I put this card on my lap while we play the game. The nurse goes to the other side of the room and holds up a book. On each page of the book is one of the letters or shapes. I look at my card and find the shape that the nurse is showing me on her card and point to it on my card. I get to match the letter or shape. This game is fun! When we are finished, the nurse comes and puts the patch and tissue on my other eye. And we get to play again.

Then the nurse needs to take a picture of my eyes. The nurse uses a special camera. To take a good picture of my eyes, I need to look into the camera. There are coloured lights in there. And also you hear some sounds, too.

All done.

I played a pirate matching game, I had a picture of my eyes taken.

It was fun getting my eyes checked.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated01 September 2023


Find out more about Prep vision screening.