Mipla Binna - Attending different medical appointments

Published: 30 August 2023

Watch our video and listen to other parents talk about going to different medical appointments for their child's hearing loss.
Sound Beginnings | Attending Different Medical Appointments


Well, it happened very quick. You know, from when we found out the extent of Jacob's hearing loss. You know, was kind of a, a snowball effect. You know, basically straight away we went, you know, straight to Australian Hearing.

I think at the start you get all this help, like social workers and teachers and, all the audiology staff at the hospital. Everybody wants to be a part of you and everybody wants to help you.

Psychologist and paediatricians and ENTs, and it was, was this, you know, appointment after appointment. But it was good.

Yeah. Look, it is busy. It's, it's confronting, it's emotional, it's confusing.

It felt like we had two or three appointments a week at the Children's Hospital. But, now looking back, it was good that everything sort of flowed through as quickly as it did.

It can be a little bit overwhelming to start with, but it does settle down. Just, you know, take it easy and if you don't wanna do certain things, that's all right with you.

Everyone realised the importance of getting, getting in early on this, to give Jacob the best, you know, for his future.

There will be many appointments with professionals after a hearing loss is diagnosed. These people are there to help. A lot of these early appointments are about understanding your child and their hearing loss. Getting help as early as possible gives your child the best chance for their future communication development. Everything happens so quickly. You may have a lot of appointments in a short space of time, but this is to ensure the best outcome for your child. Things will calm down, and usually this busy time doesn't last for too long.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated01 September 2023