When and how do I feed my baby?

Published: 30 September 2016

Watch this video to find out when and how to feed your baby as they grow.


Helen: Did you know that babies learn to eat by watching us? When the girls were around 6 months old, I started giving them a meal a day. I gave them only a small amount of food at first. As my babies continue to grow, I'll offer them more food.

Tracy Kidgell: When you first start to give your baby solids, they only need around one meal a day. Your baby will still need breast milk or baby formula at this age. Give your baby a small amount of food, like a teaspoon. As your baby grows, they need to eat more food. Talk to your health professional to understand when your baby is hungry, full or tired.

Rebecca: What foods can I give my baby?

Tracy Kidgell: You can give your baby a range of foods and in any order. This means different colours, textures and flavours. Just make sure iron rich foods come first. Foods like vegetables and beans. Fruit. Grains and cereals. Meats and legumes. Yoghurt and cheese. These foods will keep your baby healthy and happy.

James: Why are iron rich foods important to give to my baby?

Tracy Kidgell: Iron is important for your baby to make sure he or she grows and develops.

Terry: Iron rich foods include red meat, bush meat and chicken. But just remember to remove the fat from these meats and the skin. Okay, because these are not good for your baby or my grandson.

Anita Cowlishaw: Did you know that fish also contains iron, like cod and tuna?

James: These foods are also rich in iron. Baby cereals say iron enriched. Vegetables and cooked lentils and berries.

Sondha: What type of food do I give my baby?

Giselle: Breast milk or formula milk is best for babies under 6 months old. When your baby is around 6 months old, that's when you can start to give them their first foods. You can start with pureed, mashed or mushy foods. Then you can move on to small pieces as she grows up, like my baby.

Sondha: But should I continue to breastfeed or give my baby formula after six months old?

Anita Cowlishaw: Yes, you can keep giving your baby breast milk or baby formula on demand. After that, you can give them their first foods. And when your baby is about eight months old, she can hold her own food. They may need your help at first though.

When your baby is 12 months old, your baby should be eating the same foods as the rest of the family. You can also continue to breastfeed your baby until they're 12 months old and beyond.

Andrew: Our family loves spending time together, especially eating with this little one.

Cindy: At family meal times, I make sure that there are no distractions, like the TV being on, or me on my mobile.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated03 October 2023