How do I know my baby is ready for food?

Published: 30 September 2016

Watch this video to find out what signs show your baby is ready for their first foods.


Kym Dunstan: Giving your baby their first foods can be a fun and messy stage of your baby's life. It is important that you start giving foods to your baby when they are around six months old. This is because babies need healthy foods at this age to help them grow and develop. Breast milk or baby formula on its own is no longer enough.

Sondha: How do I know my baby is ready for her first foods?

James: There are four signs your baby may show you to tell you that they are ready for foods. Remember though, only start giving your baby foods once they are around six months old.

Helen: This is one of the main signs that your baby will show you. You can see that my babies are ready when they are sitting up by themselves and holding their heads up. It's important that your baby can do this so they do not choke. As my babies are getting older, they want more than just breast milk or baby formula. I know this because they're starting to reach for the foods that I eat.

Colin: My baby loves to pick up foods and bring it to her mouth, or she opens her mouth when the spoon touches her lips. This shows me that she is ready for her first foods.

Cindy: The main sign that babies show that they are ready to start eating food is when they stop pushing food out with their tongue.

Kym Dunstan: If your baby is pushing food out with their tongue, this means that they are not ready to have their first foods just yet.

If your baby is not showing all the signs, maybe try again in a few days.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated03 October 2023