Birdie and the virus – Auslan

Published: 01 August 2023

Watch the Auslan translation video of Birdie and the virus to help young children learn about viruses and how to stay safe from COVID-19.
(Auslan) Birdie and the virus


This is Birdie. Birdie is a happy bird who likes to sing.

She lives in a nest in a tall tree near a forest. Birdie feels cosy and safe in her nest.

Birdie likes to catch worms and talk with her friend Mr. Frog. Mr. Frog lives in a pond with green lily pads.

One day, Mr. Frog fell yucky. His nose was runny. He had a cough.

His head felt hot. I think I'm sick croaked Mr. Frog.

Mr. Frog had to lie down. Lots of their friends were sick too, and had to stay at home in bed.

Birdie felt sad and lonely because her friends couldn't play games with her. She also felt worried. What if Mr. Frog didn't get better? What if everyone stayed sick forever?

Doctor Grace came along. She said, Birdie, I know you feel sad and worried, but we will help Mr. Frog and everyone else feel better.

Doctor Grace gave Mr. Frog a mask to wear. Everyone had to wash their hands.

Birdie said, Doctor Grace. The thing making everyone sick is called a virus. We need to check for the virus inside your nose to see if you might get sick too.

The little stick felt strange inside Birdie's nose, but it wasn't there long.

It was hard for Birdie and Mr. Frog having to stay home.

They couldn't go out and do the things they usually did, but they found ways to have fun together.

Birdie didn't get sick. Soon Mr. Frog felt better, and so did everyone else.

Birdie was so happy to go out and explore, and play with her friends again.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageAuslan
  • Last updated25 August 2023


This video helps young children:

  • understand what COVID-19 is
  • learn to wash their hands and wear masks
  • learn about getting tests and vaccines
  • understand how to talk to their friends and have fun when they have to stay at home
  • work through sad or scary emotions understand their friends will get better.

You can also watch the Birdie and the virus sing-along video.