Birdie and the big sickness – Auslan

Published: 01 August 2023

Watch the Auslan translation video of Birdie and the big sickness to help young children learn about and cope with community illness.
(Auslan) Birdie and the big sickness


This is Birdie. Birdie is a happy bird who likes to sing.

She lives in a nest in a tall tree near a forest.

Birdie feels cosy and safe in her nest.

Birdie likes to catch worms and talk with her friend Mr Frog.

Mr Frog lives in a pond with green lily pads.

One day Mr Frog felt yucky. His throat was sore. His arms and legs hurt. His head felt hot.

"I think I'm sick," croaked Mr Frog.

Mr Frog had to lie down. Lots of their friends were sick too, and had to stay home in bed.

Birdie felt sad and lonely because her friends couldn't play games with her.

She also felt worried. What if Mr Frog didn't get better? What if everyone stayed sick forever?

Nurse Tom came along. He said "Birdie I know you feel sad and worried." "But the doctors and nurses will help Mr Frog and everyone else get better"

Dr Grace told Birdie she would need an injection. "There's medicine in this needle it will help you not to get sick."

Birdie decided not to watch the needle. She blew some bubbles instead.

The needle heard a bit, but not for long. Dr Grace gave Birdie a treat.

Birdie didn't get sick. Soon Mr Frog felt better, and so did everyone else.

Birdie was so happy to play with her friends again.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageAuslan
  • Last updated25 August 2023


This video helps young children:

  • learn what happens when their friends get sick
  • learn how doctors and nurses help people get better
  • work through lonely or scary feelings
  • understand they will feel safe and happy again.