The ‘f ’ sound - Huff and Puff song

Published: 22 September 2023

The ‘f ’ sound - Huff and Puff song helps children with cleft palate develop their speaking and language skills.


The big, bad wolf,
Said to the little pig:
“I’ll huff,
And puff,
And blow your house right down.”
He went huff, ff, ff,
And puff, ff, ff.
And the poor little pig’s straw house fell down,
Fell down to the ground.

The big, bad wolf,
Said to the little pig:
“I’ll huff,
And puff,
And blow your house right down.”
He went huff, ff, ff,
And puff, ff, ff.
And the poor little pig’s stick house fell down,
Fell down to the ground.

The big, bad wolf,
Said to the little pig:
“I’ll huff,
And puff,
And blow your house right down.”
He went huff, ff, ff,
And puff, ff, ff.
But the clever little pig’s brick house stood strong.
Yay! And that is the end of the song.

Concept: Sarah Kilcoyne
Words and Music: Helen Carrington

  • Audience General public
  • FormatAudio
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated22 September 2023


This song is part of the My Mouth Music collection.

There is a supporting workbook you can use with the song.