Taking care of mum

Published: 11 February 2021

Becoming a mum brings ‘big feelings’, from joy and excitement to worry and exhaustion. See how Julie navigates this emotional time of life.
See how Julie navigates this emotional time of life, getting the help she needs to care for herself so she can enjoy and care for baby Ryan.


Becoming a mom brings all kinds of new experiences and emotions. As Julie has been finding out, her pregnancy was full of ups and downs, from the excitement of hearing her baby's heartbeat to weird cravings and some really bad nausea.

Now, Julie has a beautiful baby boy called Ryan. She loves him so much, but each new day also brings something new to think about. Is he feeding properly? Is she settling him the right way? What sort of world is he going to grow up in? Julie was starting to feel exhausted and overwhelmed, even with so many people giving advice. She felt completely alone.

Julie took Ryan for a checkup with Bethany, their child health nurse. As Bethany checked Ryan over, she asked if Julie was getting enough sleep. Before she could get her words out, Julie burst into tears. Bethany took some time to chat with Julie about how she'd been feeling and all the things she'd been worrying about. Bethany explained that big feelings come with being a mother, and you don't have to handle them all on your own. With help from friends and family, Julie started taking regular time to do the things she'd always enjoyed. Their support also made it easier to eat nourishing food and get a bit more sleep.

Bethany told Julie that daily exercise can lift your mood, so Julie started going for a walk with Ryan each day. She joined a really relaxing mums and bubs yoga class where she met other moms who were happy to share their own experiences. Julie realised she wasn't alone at all, and when she got the support she needed, Ryan thrived too. Julie's story is more common than you might think. If your thoughts and feelings are getting in the way of enjoying motherhood, talk to someone or head online to beyondblue.org.au and panda.org.au.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated24 October 2023