Having a CT scan

Published: 27 August 2023

Watch the video to find out what it’s like to have a CT scan at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.
Having a CT scan at the QCH


Hi, my name is Sophie, and today my doctor would like me to have a CT scan. A CT scan takes pictures of the inside of my body using special cameras in this doughnut. This doughnut is really cool, it can be changed to your favourite colour. Mine is blue. You can also have monkeys playing on the outside to keep you company.

The person who takes my pictures is called a radiographer. This is Chris and he'll be taking my pictures today. He is watching me the whole time with special cameras to make sure I am okay. Having a CT scan is really easy. All you have to do is stay really still on the table as it moves in and out of the doughnut. It doesn't hurt and it's very quick. And you are still in the bed for about 5 minutes.

You might need to hold your breath in when you get your pictures taken. It's important that you try to take a breath in like this, [breathes in deeply raising chest].

You'll only need to hold your breath for around 3 seconds. Holding your breath helps the doctors get nice, clear pictures.

And that's it. Like I said, super a quick and easy. If you have any questions on the day, please don't hesitate to ask your friendly radiographer. Bye.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated04 September 2023


Read more about having a CT scan.