Sepsis in children video in English

Published: 05 September 2021

Find out what sepsis is, its signs and what to do if your child has symptoms.
Sepsis in children - English


Sepsis is the body's extreme response to an infection. It can follow from any infection like the flu, stomach infection, or a gray's knee. Sepsis can be hard to identify and could result in death. Signs of sepsis in children may include cold skin, a rash that doesn't fade when pressed seizure. A lot of pain or very restless working hard to breathe.

Blotchy blue or pale skin floppy, drowsy, and confused. The best chance to get better from sepsis is to treat it quickly. If your child is more unwell than ever before, trust your gut. Go to an emergency department or call triple zero and ask, could this be sepsis?

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated25 August 2023