People with asthma who smoke

Published: 02 September 2021

This video explains how smoking can make asthma symptoms worse.


People with asthma who smoke experience worse,

  • asthma control,
  • more airway swelling,
  • a poorer response to preventer medication, and
  • accelerated decline in lung function.

People with asthma are just as likely to smoke as people without asthma Overall. 26% of people with current asthma smoke with higher rates among younger people with asthma than older people with asthma.

An estimated 11% of Australian children with asthma live in homes where smoking occurs inside the home.

If you need assistance to quit, contact your health professional.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated21 August 2023