Safety super heroes

Published: 13 September 2023

Watch this video with your child and find out how to stay safe in hospital.
Children’s Patient Safety Briefing


Welcome to our hospital. While you're here, we want to look after you and keep you safe.

Have you ever wondered if your favorite superhero gets sick? Sometimes they do. And they come here. We look after them, and they help to look after themselves. Here's how they do it. Superheroes have very clean hands. But invisible germs hide in all sorts of places. Superheroes wash their hands, ask other people to, and thank them when they do.

Some visitors might be sick too and have their own germs. If your visitors feel unwell, they should stay at home until they're better. When superheroes are hurting, they tell someone. Sometimes they need medicines that run through plastic tubes. If these tubes itch or hurt, superheroes tell someone. To get better, superheroes need lots of medicine.

Make sure your wristband has your details on it, just like mine is. Sometimes, superheroes start to feel worse, even though they're in hospital. If this happens to you, Ask for help straight away. Pressure ulcers can be a nasty problem. Superheroes fight them by moving about and using special equipment. Now you can look after yourself, just like a superhero.

Remember, keep your hands clean. Know unwell visitors. If tubes itch or hurt, tell someone. Does your wristband have your details on it? If you're feeling worse, ask for help. And keep moving to fight pressure ulcers.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated13 September 2023