Having an MRI Scan

Published: 10 June 2024

Watch the video to find out what it’s like to have an MRI scan at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.
Having an MRI Scan


Hi my name is Claudia and today we are at the Department of Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine.  I’m going to show you what happens when you need an MRI scan and what it is.  When you come for an MRI scan you will need to check in at the front desk and then wait for the Radiographer to call your name.

The Radiographer is the person who does the scan.  When the Radiographer collects you from the waiting area they are going to ask you some important questions like what is your name and what is your date of birth.  It is how the radiographer knows you are the right person for the scan.  The Radiographer will then measure your height and weight and then ask you to change into these cool pyjamas.

So now for the exciting part.  Here is the MRI room.  For the scan there will be you, the Radiographer and whoever brought you to the appointment.  Usually mum, dad or another trusted adult.  Here is the practise MRI room.  Let’s head in.  MRI is a magnet that looks like a doughnut.  It takes special pictures so that doctors can see the inside of your body.

It will not touch or hurt you.  You will know when the doughnut takes pictures because it will make loud sounds.  They sound like loud trucks or construction workers working outside of your house. Some of these sounds will be blocked out because you will have headphones on to hear your movie.

We have lots of movies to select from here at QCH. You will be lying on this bed to have your pictures taken.  You will be moved to the middle part of the doughnut.  This bed can move up and down and in and out.  You can even pick your favourite colour in the real scanner. You will have some important jobs to do while you are having your pictures taken.

Your first job is to take your shoes off.  You will then need to lie on the bed.  Make sure you tell the Radiographer that you are comfortable on the bed.  Then you will put your headphones on to listen to your movie.  The Radiographer will then put a special helmet with a mirror on you so that you can watch your movie behind you.  The most important job for you is to stay very still like a statue. You will get short breaks when the Radiographer tells you to stretch your arms and legs.

The Radiographer will be outside the MRI room but is always watching you through a camera to make sure you are okay.  You can talk to the Radiographer and the Radiographer can talk to you.  An MRI scan can take 20-40 minutes.  Each picture takes 3-4 minutes and it’s very important to keep every part of your body still when the picture is getting taken.  If you can’t keep still then the Radiographer will need to repeat the picture. The Radiographer might use this, this or this depending on the body part that is being scanned.

You might need to hold your breath for some pictures too. Check out the other video to see what you have to do when you are getting a scan of your heart.  Once the pictures are taken the Radiologist will then report on it.  If you keep really still the Radiographer will give you a special certificate to show your friends

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • Information typePublications
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated10 June 2024