Track 4 – Funny Face – My Hospital Music

Published: 01 July 2010

Play or sing this song with your child to help them settle and cope during and between hospital stays.


Look at my funny face,
Look at my funny face,
Look at my face and what do you see?
I see a smile,
I see a tongue,
I see a raspberry,
a funny face.

Look at my lovely face,
Look at my lovely face,
Look at my face and what do you see?
I see my eyes,
I see my nose,
I see my ears,
I see my mouth, ah!

Look at my funny face,
Look at my funny face,
Look at my face and what do you see?

  • Audience General public
  • FormatAudio
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated05 September 2023


This song is part of our My Hospital Music collection. You can also download song lyrics or find out more about music therapy.

© Children’s Health Queensland Brisbane, 2010. All rights reserved.
Words and music by Karen Elliott, used with permission.
Performed by music therapists Belinda Ayres, Helen Carrington, Karen Elliott and Maggie Leung.
Recorded and mixed by Stephen Bartlett.
Mastered by Chris Perren.
Generously funded by Xstrata Coal and the Children’s Hospital Foundation.