Having fun while in Queensland Children's Hospital

Published: 12 September 2023

Watch this video to find out about fun things you can do while you're in hospital or you're visiting your family.
Queensland Children's Hospital - Having fun while in QCH


Liam: I'm sure what are you wondering if there's anything fun to do while you're in hospital whether you are patient, or you're visiting your brother or sister.

Joy: Let's start at level 6. here we have the Starlight Express room where Captain Starlight's invent their own brand of fun with games, movies, crafts and activities for you to enjoy. Captain Starlight also visit kids on the wards and in the evenings, the Live Wire team transform the Starlight Express room into a teen only hang out with heaps of cool workshops and activities.

Liam: If you're under the age eights, you'll need to have a parent or carer to stay with you.

Joy: You'll also find Radio Lollipop next door which is the in-house radio station for patients where you can request your favourite songs, win prizes and hear yourselves on the radio.

Liam: Their awesome live shows and broadcast every week night and on Saturdays. You can tune in toto show by using the bed side patient entertainment system.

Joy: On level 6 you'll also find, the Ronald McDonald family room where you and your family can relax and have a cup of tea or coffee while you're staying in hospital or waiting for an appointment.

Liam: If you have any other questions, remember you can find more information on our website www.childrens.health.qld.gov.au or call us on 07 3068 1111.

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated14 September 2023