Our partners

We work with researchers from universities, government, health and social services as well as commercial organisations.

Together, we drive research that delivers significant clinical outcomes for Queensland children and their families.

Our partners include:

Our research

Information about past research outcomes and achievements, current projects and clinical trials.

CHQ Library and Research Metrics

We offer library services for Children’s Health Queensland research teams and clinical staff. We also offer some services to other organisations for a fee.

We have a qualified librarian and have the only specialised electronic paediatric library and research metrics service in Queensland.

Our services include:

  • searching literature and developing search strategies
  • understanding and using research metrics
  • providing articles and book loans
  • EndNote training and support
  • Clinical Knowledge Network training and support
  • maintaining a staff publications repository.

If you’d like more information, you can email chq_library@health.qld.gov.au.

Consumer engagement

We have consumers and community representatives who are members of the public, provide input and feedback to proposed research projects. Their involvement helps us make decisions about priorities, policies, and practices related to health research.

Centre for Children's Health Research

The Centre for Children’s Health Research (CCHR) is Queensland’s first fully integrated research facility focused on child and adolescent health research.

The facility provides a dedicated and safe environment for researchers to do an extensive range of research activities.

Researchers and clinicians affiliated with the following organisations are welcome to use the facility.

  • Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ)
  • The University of Queensland (UQ)
  • Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
  • Mater Research and Translation Research Institute (TRI) members


The building has 2 paediatric clinical research floors with equipment to support research projects and low risk clinical studies.

This includes research involving procedures in children who are considered to be healthy or who have a stable, well controlled diagnosed abnormality or disease.

Using our facilities

Clinical Research Facility (CRF)

The Clinical Research Facility gives researchers access to the following highly specialised equipment and facilities.

The Queensland Children’s Motion Analysis Service (QCMAS)
The service provides a state-of-the-art facility to assess gait and energy expenditure to improve gait performance, reduce pain while walking and increase efficiency.

Biomechanics and Spine Research
This is dedicated to developing non-invasive and non-contact assessment methods to characterise an individual person’s spinal shape and biomechanics.

Stimulation Laboratory
The KidStim lab is an advanced brain investigation and treatment facility investigating the use of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques to improve outcomes in children with neurological impairment.

Dedicated rooms

  • wet and dry assessment rooms
  • child play therapy room
  • group interview room
  • project rooms
  • domestic activities room

If you'd like more information, please contact the Clinical Research Nurse Manager by either:

PC2 Research Laboratory

Before you can use the PC2 laboratory, you must complete:

Please contact the operations manager early so they can advise if:

  • you'll need to buy specific equipment
  • you'll need to store clinical materials in temperature controlled environments
  • if there's enough storage for your proposed research project.

The operations manager can also help with any general building or services enquiries.

Laboratory and Research Operations Manager
Phone: 07 3069 7425
Email: CCHRLabManager@health.qld.gov.au.

The Translational Research Institute @Childrens (TRIC)

The TRIC is a multipurpose research centre specifically designed for paediatric human research in a safe and controlled environment.

It supports low risk studies in babies, children and adolescents that are either investigator initiated or commercially sponsored. It also integrates research with ambulatory and community based care.

The facility gives researchers and clinicians access to:

  • clinical consultation rooms
  • procedure and examination rooms
  • PC2 approved laboratory for biological sample collection and processing.

Researchers and clinicians affiliated with the following organisations are welcome to use the facility.

  • Queensland Health
  • The University of Queensland (UQ)
  • Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
  • Mater Research and Translation Research Institute (TRI) members

The TRIC facility aligns with the Translational Research Institute’s vision for ‘Exceptional Science, Healthier Lives’. This vision is achieved through a values driven corporate culture focused on collaboration to achieve excellence.

If you'd like more information about doing clinical research at TRIC, please contact the Clinical Research Nurse Manager by either:

Research governance and ethics applications

If you're working with our staff on a research project, you'll need to submit a research agreement as part of the research governance approval process.

Get in touch

If you're interested in supporting our research or working with us, please contact one of our research professors below.

Children’s Health Queensland Research
Director of Research
Phone: 07 3069 7230
Email: CHQ-Research@health.qld.gov.au

The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) at CCHR
Research Lead
Email: qutcchr@qut.edu.au

The University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre
Director UQ Child Health Research Centre
Email: uqchrc@uq.edu.au

Translational Research Institute (TRIC)
Director of Clinical Translation, Translation Research Institute @Children's
Email: research@tri.edu.au