We’re leading the advocacy, promotion and research for perinatal infant mental health in Queensland. This includes supporting healthcare professionals and developing better services for families.

Supporting families

We provide specialist mental health services for babies and children aged 0 to 4 who haven’t started school yet, and their parents and carers. We also support pregnant women, and have family support volunteers who visit families at home.

Strategy Unit

Our strategy unit works with other government departments, private organisations, and families to identify and support perinatal and infant mental health needs in Queensland.

Our work centres around the following 5 strategic directions.

  • Service development and implementation.
  • Mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention.
  • Workforce development.
  • Research and evaluation.
  • Advocacy and policy development.

Research and evaluation

Our research helps identify common risk factors associated with mental health symptoms, so we’re able to develop and evaluate new treatments and prevention programs.

We share our research activities at conferences and forums in Australia and around the world to support new evidence based practices in perinatal and infant mental health.


We’re supported by 3 governance bodies who oversee the work we do and help us determine our priorities.

Governance Structure

Statewide Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Advisory Group

The advisory group support our 5 strategic directions by providing information, advice, advocacy, and business planning.

Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Reference Group

Our reference group includes organisations and people from Queensland and around Australia. They provide advice, advocacy, and leadership to support the perinatal and infant mental health service system in Queensland.

Statewide Perinatal and Infant Health Consumer and Carer Network

Our consumer and carer network represents parents and carers with lived experience of perinatal and infant mental health issues, as well as organisations led by consumers.

More information

MumSpace - connects pregnant women, new mums and their families with mental health support, services and resources.

COPE - provides emotional and mental health support and information from planning your family to becoming new parents.

Zero to Three - provides resources and practical tools for parent to help them better connect with their babies.

Beyond Blue - provides information and support to help people achieve their best possible mental health.

Contact us

Phone: 07 3266 0300

Email: pimh@health.qld.gov.au