For schools

Our program is run by Ed-LinQ Coordinators who are senior mental health clinicians.

We work with child and youth mental health services (CYMHS), community mental health support services and all State, Catholic and Independent schools across Queensland. This includes primary and high schools.

Our coordinators help school staff support their students who are experiencing, or at risk of mental illness by:

  • offering consultation, accessing mental health services and referrals if needed
  • providing mental health education and training to school staff
  • supporting different services, such as Health, Education and non-government organisations, to work together to address the mental health needs of students.

Whilst we don’t work directly with children, young people or their families, we do offer support to other services to help them better support the mental health needs of students.

For more information read our Statewide Ed-LinQ Program Visual Model.

For other services

In addition to supporting schools, the Ed-LinQ Program work with other agencies who support school-aged students. This can include primary care (e.g., General Practitioners), non-government agencies, community mental health services, and the private sector.

For families

If you’re worried about your child’s mental health or you’re looking for mental health services, please contact your local child and youth mental health service.

If your child's life is in danger call Triple Zero (000) or go to your nearest emergency department.

If it’s not urgent, talk to your GP, local child and youth mental health service or your child’s school about your concerns. They’ll be able to contact an Ed-LinQ Coordinator for you.

Using our service

We have coordinators in the following hospital and health services. Most are based in child and youth mental health service locations.

Statewide Ed-LinQ
Clea Headley (South Brisbane)
Phone: 07 3310 9444

Cairns and Hinterland
Toma Hartley, Ayu Imaoka-Asis & Ruby Awram (Cairns)
Phone: 07 4226 2700

Central Queensland
Vacant (Rockhampton)
Phone: 07 4920 5700
Josie Bridgeman (Emerald)
Phone: 07 4983 9750

Central West
Harriet Sands (Longreach)
Phone: 07 4652 7951

Children’s Health Queensland
Wendy Mills, Hannah Richards & Courtney Walker (South Brisbane)
Phone: 07 3310 9444

Darling Downs
Zac Vains (Toowoomba)
Phone: 07 4616 5758 / 0427 314 061
Anita Smith (South Burnett & Western Downs)
Phone: 07 4169 2632 / 0436 818 210

Gold Coast
Jessica Pike & Justine Looney (Robina)
Phone: 0403 604 194

Jessica Vella (Mackay)
Phone: 07 4968 3893

Metro North
Joanne Hayes (Redcliffe & Caboolture)
Phone: 07 5316 3100

Metro South
Pete Burns & Jessica Sugarman (Logan)
Phone: 07 3089 4100 / 0482 683 578

North West
Vacant (Mt Isa)
Phone: 07 4744 7103

South West
Angie Gorry (Roma)
Phone: 07 4624 2700 / 0428 943 330

Sunshine Coast
Judy Jasinski & Amy Mason (Maroochydore)
Phone: 07 5409 9111
Lisa Wilson (Gympie)
Phone: 07 5489 8777

Torres and Cape
Nicholas Madgwick (Cairns)
Phone: 07 4226 5236 / 0447 049 227

Lee Town (Kirwan)
Phone: 0419696729

West Moreton
Jodi Clayton (Ipswich)
Phone: 07 3817 2360

Wide Bay
Natalie Crofts (Bundaberg)
Phone: 07 4150 2600
Claire Williams (Hervey Bay & Maryborough)
Phone: 07 4128 5400

Do I need a referral?

You don’t need a referral to use our service.

If you work in a school or with school aged children or young people, you can contact your local Ed-LinQ Coordinator directly. They’ll be able give you more information about our services and how they may be able to support you.

About our program

The Ed-LinQ Program was created to make it easier for schools and healthcare providers to work together. It helps identify and care for school aged children and young people who are at risk of or experiencing mental health problems or mental illness.

We deliver training and professional development workshops across Queensland for educators and services that support school-aged young people. This includes a statewide online training calendar, as well as developing targeted training packages and working with individual schools where needed.

For more information about the program please read Statewide Ed-LinQ Program Description [PDF 1725.19 KB].

For more information about the Statewide online training, see Statewide Ed-LinQ Training Calendar – Term 1 2025 [PDF 116.86 KB].

Contact us

You can contact the Statewide Ed-LinQ Coordinator, Clea Headley by either:

We’re open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.