About the program

We offer free health and nutrition sessions for Māori and Pacific Islander families who are expecting a baby or with children from 0 to 4 years.

They include information about:

  • healthy food and physical activity
  • how to access antenatal, postnatal, and child health care.

What you'll learn

We work with mothers, fathers, and carers of babies and young children and help them learn about:

  • staying healthy when you're pregnant
  • food and drinks for babies and young children
  • healthy food and drinks for the whole family
  • building physical activity into your family.

Where sessions are held

We run sessions at:

  • home, so your family can learn together
  • early childcare centres, where we use simple and fun activities for young children
  • playgroups, where sessions are for bigger groups and families.

Going to a session

You don’t need a referral to go to a session.

To take part call us on either:

If you’re a health professional who wants to refer someone to our program, email your referral form to goodstart@health.qld.gov.au.