About the sessions

Our sessions run for 8 weeks in each school term, focusing on the following topics:


  • Term 1 - Healthy kai, healthy life

    We explore the 5 food groups and practical ways to make healthy meals and snacks.

  • Term 2 - Veggie champs

    We focus on vegetables and how we can eat them every day.

  • Term 3 - Make your move

    We explore practical ways to spend more time being active and less time on screens.

  • Term 4 - Water is life

    Empowering students to make water their drink of choice.

Joining our sessions

Our team of multicultural health workers deliver the Good Start Program in primary schools and high schools across Queensland. Please contact us for a list of schools we work with.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the program, call us on 07 3310 7800 or email goodstart@health.qld.gov.au.