Connecting2u is a free text messaging service that supports parents and carers during pregnancy (antenatal) and in the first five years of their child’s life. Sign up to receive helpful information to boost health, development, and overall wellbeing. There are two messaging services on offer.

  • Pregnancy (antenatal) messages

    Sign up to get messages each week about nutrition, health check reminders, self-care, and plenty more.

  • 0 - 5 years messages

    Sign up to get weekly texts about keeping your baby happy and healthy and learn about what to expect.

Once you’ve had your baby, you can opt out of the pregnancy (antenatal) messages and sign up to receive the 0 -5 years messages.

What your messages will say

Your messages will say things like…

  • Pregnancy checks and screenings

    Time to book in for your 1st antenatal appts. If you haven't already, it's time to see your GP. They can help you with booking a Midwife or hospital appt.

  • My 6 month immunisation

    My 6 month immunisation & health check is due soon. I can now get the flu vaccine for free. Check with 13HEALTH - 13 43 25 84 on where to get my checks done.

Opting out

You can opt out any time by replying ‘STOP’ to any of the text messages we send you or by emailing

Contact us

If you have any questions or want to update your phone number, email