About us

We care for patients who are medically stable and able to complete their treatment at home rather than having to stay in hospital.

Our team includes nursing staff, doctors, support workers and allied health professionals.

CHQ at Home services

Hospital in the Home (HITH) Program

This program provides care at home for babies and children who are medically stable. You can read more about the care we offer on our Hospital in the Home service page.

Post-Acute Care (PAC) program

The PAC program helps your child recover from their injury or illness and helps to reduce the risk of them needing to go to hospital again. Patients can be referred to the PAC program from inpatient wards, outpatient departments and emergency departments. We work with other medical, nursing and allied health teams at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.

Tracheostomy in Home Care (TIHC) program

The TIHC program helps children with tracheostomies and their families to be as independent as possible. The program is for children up until they turn 5.

High Cost Home Support Program (HCHSP)

This program, also known as the Home Ventilation Program, is an ongoing service for children at home who are well and ventilator-dependant.

Hospital Avoidance Program

The Hospital Avoidance Program enables your child to receive appropriate care at home, that they would otherwise be required to present to hospital for. Patients can be referred to the Hospital Avoidance Program from inpatient wards and outpatient departments.

Palliative Care

The Paediatric Palliative Care Service supports families who wish to receive end-of-life care for their child at home. You can read more about the support we offer on our Palliative Care service page.

Catchment area

Children must generally live within 30 to 40 minutes travel or 40 kms of Brisbane’s city centre to receive these services.

Who can use this service?

You need a formal referral to use this service. We accept referrals from your child’s treating medical consultants and teams.

Information for health professionals

Health professionals can send requests for information to qch_hith@health.qld.gov.au.