Welcome to Birdie’s Tree
Join Birdie and Mr Frog as they learn about different natural disasters and find out how to cope and recover from stressful events.
Birdie’s Tree is an award winning set of storybooks, videos and resources created by the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (QCPIMH). We’ve created Birdie’s Tree to help children and families going through natural disasters and disruptive events.
We also have booklets to help parents and carers look after themselves and a learning program for early childhood teachers.
Birdie activities
Fun with Birdie activity book
Games, puzzles and colouring in pages about natural disasters to help young children during extreme weather events.
Online games
Free interactive games for children to learn about the weather, their feelings and who can help in an emergency.
Relaxing with Birdie
Relaxing with Birdie teaches children how to breathe, move and think in ways that help them relax and calm down when they're worried or scared.
Programs and resources
Natural disaster resilience resources
Information and resources to support disaster resilience for children, families and professionals.
Birdie's Tree Early Learning Program
Register your interest in this evidence-based program for early childhood education and care services.