It is important to follow the following observation and care guidelines while your child is recovering at home after a cardiac catheterisation.
Your child should continue to take all medication as prescribed by their doctor unless told otherwise. They may have been started on new medications or antibiotics after the procedure. If your child has had an interventional catheterisation to repair or correct a heart condition, they may require continued medication after discharge to assist with keeping their blood thin.
Wound care
Do not remove the dressing applied in hospital for two days.
To keep the wound and dressing dry, your child should avoid deep baths and swimming for two days after discharge but can shower as normal.
Do not apply creams/lotions/oils to the wound.
Regularly check the surgical wound (where the catheter was inserted) for signs of bleeding, swelling or infection. This includes:
- bleeding directly from the site and/or oozing out from under the dressing.
- excessive bruising around the insertion site (a small amount of bruising is normal).
- sudden swelling of the insertion area with a hard lump (approx. 5cm in diameter) under the skin. This is known as a haematoma and is caused by bleeding into the tissues around the insertion site.
- redness and/or heat at the insertion site (this can indicate infection).
- a temperature over 37.5°C.
Note: If your child is taking or starting blood thinning medication bruising around the site maybe more pronounced.
If there is bleeding from the insertion site, a large haematoma or there is new/increased swelling, take the following steps:
- Lie your child flat.
- Apply pressure to groin for at least 10 minutes. DO NOT remove pressure to check site
- If swelling/bleeding/oozing persists after 10 minutes, call Triple Zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.
- Keep pressure applied until the ambulance arrives.
If you're not sure whether to go to an emergency department, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and speak to a registered nurse.
Pain relief
It is not unusual for your child to experience some mild pain after the procedure. This should settle down over a few hours/days. Give your child paracetamol (Panadol) as directed. If this does not relive your child’s pain, call the catheter coordinator at the Queensland Children’s Hospital on 07 3068 1765 or your child’s cardiac coordinator.
Commonly asked questions
How can I reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising?
Encourage your child to:
- Avoid knocking or bumping the site.
- Avoid vigorous physical activity such as running and jumping.
- Avoid contact and impact sport/activities. (This may be for up to month – your child’s care team will advise).
- Keep the wound dry.
What do I do if my child’s leg becomes swollen or if they say they it feels funny?
- Ask your child to move their leg and wiggle their toes.
- Ask them to describe what they are feeling.
- Check that your child’s feet and toes are warm and pink.
- Compare the size of the affected limb to the other side.
Your child should be reviewed by a doctor immediately if they report:
- differing sensation to the limb.
- has difficulty moving their legs.
- toes are cold and pale/dusky.
My child seems very tired – should I be worried?
It is normal for a child recovering from an anaesthetic and a medical procedure to feel tired and lack energy for seven to 10 days after their procedure. If you are concerned about your child’s behaviour, see your GP or at the Queensland Children’s Hospital on 07 3068 1765.
Contact us
Queensland Paediatric Cardiac Service
Queensland Children’s Hospital
501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane
Phone: 07 3068 2790 (Cardiology Clinic)
Phone: 07 3068 1111 (Switch)
If it’s not an emergency but you have any concerns or questions about your child’s s health, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and speak to a registered nurse.
Developed by Queensland Paediatric Cardiac Service, Queensland Children's Hospital. We acknowledge the input of consumers and carers.
Resource ID: FS095. Reviewed: January 2024.
Disclaimer: This information has been produced by healthcare professionals as a guideline only and is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your child’s doctor or healthcare professionals. Information is updated regularly, so please check you are referring to the most recent version. Seek medical advice, as appropriate, for concerns regarding your child’s health.