Why is it important for my child to take this medicine?
Ceftazidime belongs to a group of medicines called cephalosporin antibiotics. It is important that you continue to give your child this medicine the way the nurse has shown you, to treat infections caused by bacteria.
When should I give Ceftazidime?
Your child’s Ceftazidime is to be given three times a day. The scheduled administration times are documented on the Interim Medication Administration Record that will be provided to you. The doses will be spaced out as evenly as possible during the hours your child is awake and work around activities such as school.
The CHQ at Home nurse will usually visit once a day and administer one of the three scheduled doses. You will be required to administer the remaining two doses each day at the scheduled times. You will be required to give the medication as close as possible to the time documented on your child’s Interim Medication Administration Record (within one hour is acceptable). It is important that the doses are no closer than 6 hours apart.
How much should I give?
The Ceftazidime Intermate™ dose is individualised to your child. A single device contains the exact dose that your child needs and should not be altered in any way.
When you are giving the medication, always check each package has your child’s name on it. You should check this with the nurse or pharmacist supplying the medication to you.
The label on your Ceftazidime Intermate™ may look like this:

Or the label on your Ceftazidime Intermate™ may look like this:

If the name on the device does not match your child’s name or if the expiry time and date has passed, do not use the Intermate™. Immediately contact the CHQ at Home nurse on 0438 015 145.
How should I give it?
Follow the instructions in your Guide to Giving Your Child’s IV Antibiotic at Home instruction manual, which has been provided to you during your training. It is important that you follow the correct steps before, after and during the antibiotic connection. These steps are required to safeguard your child’s intravenous line and avoid problems occurring. Make sure you have practiced the steps with the nurse during your training. If you are unsure please contact CHQ at Home via the oncall number 0438 015 145 for support.
Once connected, the Intermate™ will infuse your child’s prescribed dose over approximately 30 minutes. During this time the Intermate™ will need to be positioned between the shoulders and hips. A bum bag will be provided to place the Intermate™ during connection. During the infusion your child can continue with normal activities.
How do I record that I have given my child’s Ceftazidime?
Place your initial in the box for the time and date you have given the medicine on the Interim Medication Administration Record.
Record the time you actually gave the dose if this is different to the time specified. Also write down if a dose is not given. This will help you to remember when the last dose was given and when the next dose is due to be given.
What if I forget to give it?
If more than one hour has passed since the scheduled administration time, contact the CHQ at Home nurse on 0438 015 145. Contact the CHQ at Home nurse if the next dose is due in less than 6 hours of the previous dose.
Never give a double dose of the medicine.
What if I give too much?
If you have given or think you have given too much or too little of the medicine, contact the CHQ at Home nurse on 0438 015 145 or contact the Queensland Poisons Information Service on 13 11 26.
Are there any possible side effects?
We use medicines to make our children better, but sometimes they have other effects that we don’t want (side effects).
You must contact CHQ at Home nurse immediately if your child:
- Develops any signs of an allergic reaction (such as a rash, swelling of the lips, mouth or tongue or has difficulty breathing) – Call an Ambulance 000 immediately
- Has a fever greater than 38°C
- Is shivering or is unwell after accessing the site to give the medicine
- Is pale and has no energy
- Develops confusion
- Is sore, red and hot to touch at the site where the antibiotic is given (access site)
- Complains of pain when the infusion is running or the area around the access site is puffy or swollen or the Intermate™ device does not infuse
- Has diarrhoea or is vomiting
Can other medicines be given at the same time as Ceftazidime?
You can give your child medicine that contains paracetamol (to treat pain), unless your doctor has told you not to. You can continue to give the regular medicines your child usually has prescribed by your doctor unless you are told not to.
Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before giving any other medicines to your child. This includes herbal or complementary medicines.
Is there anything else I need to know about Ceftazidime?
Ensure that you have enough Intermate™ devices for the doses needing to be given that day.
If you do not have a Ceftazidime Intermate™ device for the next dose and are not expecting the CHQ at Home nurse to deliver more that day, contact the CHQ at Home nurse on 0438 015 145.
Check that the packaging and Intermate™ are in intact before giving the dose. Do not use the Intermate™ if it is leaking or damaged in any way.
Place used Intermate™ devices into the outer packaging and return to the visiting CHQ at Home nurse the following day. They will make sure the medication is appropriately disposed of.
Where should I keep this medicine?
Keep Ceftazidime Intermate™ in your refrigerator. Make sure that they are never frozen because they cannot be used after being frozen. If the Intermate™ devices are left out of the fridge, if the fridge turns off for any period or if the devices are frozen, contact the CHQ at Home nurse on 0438 015 145 before giving any more doses.
Separate the Intermate™ devices from food in the fridge (place in a separate container/section of the fridge). Keep them in the plastic outer package that they have been supplied in.
Remove the Intermate™ from the fridge 4-6 hours before the scheduled dose is due, to allow the it to come to room temperature on connection. If the device is too cold it will take much longer for the Intermate™ device to infuse.
Make sure the Intermate™ devices in the fridge are out of reach of small children.
General advice about medicines
- Try to give the medicine at about the same times each day to help you to remember to give it.
- Only give this medicine to your child. Never give it to anyone else, even if their condition appears to be the same, as this could do harm.
- If you think someone else may have taken the medicine by accident, contact your doctor straight away or contact the Queensland Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.
Who to contact for more information
Your doctor, pharmacist or nurse will be able to give you more information about Ceftazidime.
Contact us
Pharmacy department
Level 2, Queensland Children’s Hospital
501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101
t: 07 3068 1901
CHQ at Home Pharmacist
t: 0437 976 230
In an emergency, always call 000 for immediate assistance.