Bringing your child to hospital can be stressful whether it's for tests, treatments or surgery. Our chaplains can support you during this time. You don't need to be religious or belong to a church, temple, synagogue, mosque, or other practice.

Our chaplains support patients and families by:

  • listening when you need someone to talk to
  • hearing your fears, worries, hopes and joys
  • offering a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on
  • being with you during meetings about your child’s diagnosis or prognosis
  • helping you consider the options and outcomes of choices you need to make
  • helping you with grief and loss
  • offering prayers, rituals and sacraments for you or your family.

We also have a Multi-Faith Centre on level 5. This is a place for reflection, prayer and meditation for people of all faiths and none. The centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you'd like to see a chaplain, let one of our staff know and they'll arrange a visit for you. You can also call the Multi-Faith Centre on 07 3068 4974 and leave a message, or email

If you need to speak to a chaplain urgently, ask a staff member to contact an on-call chaplain.