You can still have some fun in hospital, even if you can't leave your room.
We have books, toys, games, jokes, events, activities and special guest visitors. We can also help arrange a visit from your family pet.
Watch our video about having fun in the hospital.
Talk to us about any of these activities and we'll see what we can do to keep boredom at bay.
Available by your bedside
Arts and crafts
You can get creative at arts and crafts sessions every day in the Entertainment Precinct on Level 6, or we can bring art and craft packs to your room.

Birthday fun
Being in hospital for your birthday doesn't mean you can't have a party. We can help you celebrate in your room or in the Entertainment Precinct. Just tell us when your big day is.

Book bunker
Find your favourite author or try a new one at the Scholastic Book Bunker on Level 2. It's open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12:30 pm. You can also get a book from our daily bedside book trolley service.

Clown Doctors
Are you feeling bored and need a laugh? Our Clown Doctors specialise in fun, jokes and good times. Ask our staff if you'd like a visit.

Digital device loans
Borrow a Nintendo Switch from Kidzone or the Starlight Express Room, or an iPad from our Family Resource Centre. A parent or carers photo ID is needed to pick them up or you can request them online

Bedside play volunteers
If you'd like someone else to play with, the Children's Hospital Foundation volunteers can bring toys and games to your room on weekdays between 9 am and 4:30 pm.

Juiced TV
Juiced TV is made by kids in hospital, for kids in hospital. You can be a TV star or see how a show is made. Check out the Juiced TV website or email or call 0401 416 649.

Livewire online
Livewire online is a free, online community connecting teens living with illness or disability, and their siblings, in Australia or New Zealand. There's live chat, games and videos and more.

Patient entertainment system
Watch free-to-air TV, movies and our in-house TV channels (Juiced TV, Starlight TV, and San Diego Zoo Kids) on our bedside patient entertainment system. You can also listen to Radio Lollipop, play games, search the internet and more.

Toys and games
Our Loans Library has a large range of toys and games you can borrow. Choose what you'd like using the online request form with your parent or carer, and they can be delivered to your ward.

Wish granting
Do you have a special wish? Maybe the Starlight Children's Foundation can help. Our staff can help you request a Starlight wish, or you can call them on 1300 727 827.

Activities outside your room
Missing your pet? We bet they miss you, too. Or maybe you just love animals. We can help arrange a catch up between you and your furry friend, or maybe meet a new one.

Starlight express room
Starlight Express Room on Level 6 is where Captain Starlight and a team of volunteers create a world of fun with games, arts, crafts, singing and dancing.

Kidzone on Level 6 is a place for kids to have fun, play games, do arts and crafts and more. It provides supervised play for children over 2 so parents and carers can have a break.

Radio Lollipop
Listen to live Radio Lollipop shows during the week from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. You can go to the studio on Level 6 to watch the DJs in action and request your favourite song.