Gary Namponan - Ku

Aurukun is situated on the western side of Cape York Peninsula. It is one of the larger communities, established as a Presbyterian mission in 1904. The Wik and Kugu Arts and Crafts Centre is an important community hub. Artists of Aurukun are famous for their sculptures, the most popular among them being camp dogs.

This series of prints immortalises the famous Aurukun dogs in a new medium, printmaking. In almost all Aboriginal communities throughout Australia, dogs dominate the landscape. They roam the streets in packs and lie in the shade; in the evening, they seek out an ‘owner’ to feed them leftovers. Collectively they are known as ‘camp dogs’ and in the case of Aurukun, have the name ‘Ku’.

Etching on paper with added colour

Other artworks

Last updated: September 2023