AMS formulary and prescribing categories

Our formulary lists antimicrobial medicines and their prescribing indications. Prescribing indications are based on Queensland Health’s List of approved medicines (LAM) and our paediatric guidelines for infection management.

We categorise antimicrobial medicines as unrestricted, restricted, or reserved for use. There’s a different approval process to access medicines based on the category. Before you prescribe an antimicrobial medicine check the formulary for its restriction category.

Read our Antimicrobial: prescribing, management and stewardship procedure [PDF 1069.13 KB] to learn more. You can also see the approval process flowchart [PDF 1069.13 KB] on page 5.

Unrestricted (green) antimicrobials

Antimicrobials you can prescribe for a clinically appropriate indication and length of time. You don’t need approval to prescribe unrestricted antimicrobials for standard indications and durations of treatment.

Restricted (amber) antimicrobials

Antimicrobials you can only prescribe for listed indications for a specific time frame. You need approval to prescribe restricted antimicrobials outside of the indications or time frames.

Reserved (red) antimicrobials

Antimicrobials you need approval to prescribe.

Approval and documentation process

If you’re prescribing a reserved or restricted antimicrobial outside of its pre-authorised indication you need:

  • approval from the paediatric infection specialist or the infectious diseases (ID) fellow on duty
  • to document the unique AMS approval code provided by the paediatric infection specialist or fellow.

You need to document all antimicrobial prescriptions in ieMR and Metavision and include the indication, dose, duration of the treatment and intended review date. Read page 6 of our procedure [PDF 1069.13 KB] for more information.

If the antimicrobial you’re prescribing isn't on Queensland Health's List of approved medicines (LAM) you'll also need individual patient approval (IPA). Queensland Health staff can use our online individual patient approval portal (CGOV) on the intranet to request approval.

Some restricted or reserved antimicrobials might also need Special Access Scheme (SAS) approval. You can apply on the Therapeutic Goods Administration website.

Prescribers need to document all approvals in ieMR and Metavision before we can dispense any restricted or reserved medicines. Read page 6 of our procedure [PDF 1069.13 KB] for more information.

Search the antimicrobial formulary

Antimicrobial medicines are listed based on generic name. Individual patient approval with the AMS approval code provided by ID team is required for non LAM use or use outside of pre approved indications.

Formulary and restrictions Links open as a PDF or an external website.