Queensland Children’s Hospital

Read how to refer your patient to us to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the specialist referral form [PDF 1650.5 KB].

If you use medical practice software you can download and import our referral templates.

Read how to import templates [PDF 611.81 KB].

Child Development Service

Our community-based child development service helps families with children aged 0 to 9 years in the greater Brisbane area who have complex developmental concerns.

You can find referral criteria and contact information for your local HHS HealthPathways on the Queensland Government website.

Use the specialist referral form [PDF 1691.02 KB] and choose the child development specialty.

Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

Community Clinics

Read the CYMHS Community Clinic referral guidelines [PDF 85.7 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the CYMHS referral form [DOCM 85.43 KB] for referrals to the following clinics:

  • Inala Community Clinic
  • Mt Gravatt Community Clinic
  • North West (Keperra) Community Clinic
  • Nundah Community Clinic
  • Pine Rivers Community Clinic
  • Yeronga Community Clinic.

CYMHS Day program

Read the CYMHS Day program guidelines [PDF 129.54 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

CYMHS day programs are a time limited, intensive mental health treatment option for children and young people who need more support while they continue with their education.

Use the Day Program referral form [DOCM 82.56 KB]

Zero to Four Family Support Service

The Zero to Four Family Support Service (0-4 FSS) recruits, trains, and supervises home visiting volunteers who support families with children not yet at school and who are experiencing difficulty or disadvantage. A Service provider who has been working with a family can make a referral to Zero to Four Family Support Service.

Use the CYMHS Zero to Four Family Support Service Referral Form [DOCX 44.85 KB]

Zero to Four

Zero to Four is a specialist mental health service for infants and children under 4.

Read the Zero to Four referral guidelines [PDF 154.22 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the CYMHS referral form [DOCM 85.43 KB].

Eating Disorders Program

Read the referral guidelines [PDF 145.08 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the:

Medical Monitoring Form

Form to be used for medical monitoring in cases with GP shared care.

Use the GP Shared Care Eating Disorder Medical Monitoring Form and email CHQ-CYMHS-EatingDisorders@health.qld.gov.au

Eating Disorders Day program

A day program is available for patients who aren't getting community treatment. Read the day program referral guidelines [PDF 139.06 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the day program referral [DOCM 88.09 KB] and email CHQ-CYMHS-EatingDisordersDayProgram@health.qld.gov.au.

Child, Youth, Family Health Service

Read the referral guidelines [PDF 274.67 KB] first to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the referral form [DOCM 73.97 KB] and either:

Deadly Ears Program

The Deadly Ears Program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under 16.

Use the referral form [PDF 907.74 KB] and either:

Ellen Barron Family Centre

The Ellen Barron Family Centre helps families with children under 3 who need parenting support.

Read the referral guidelines [PDF 129.36 KB] to make sure your patient is eligible.

Use the referral form [PDF 1064.04 KB] and either:

Good Start Program (Healthy Kids Club)

Use the GSP referral form [PDF 1052.62 KB].

Head to Health Kids

Use the Head to Health Kids referral form [PDF 2503.13 KB].

Healthy Hearing Family Support

Our hearing loss family support service is for children under 6 who are diagnosed with hearing loss.

Use the QHLFSS referral form [PDF 323.52 KB] and email HHFS@health.qld.gov.au.

Outpatient Call Centre

Families and patients can call our Outpatient Call Centre on 1300 762 831 if they have questions about their appointment.

ePIMH (e-Perinatal and Infant Mental Health) Telepsychiatry Service

e-PIMH is a statewide telepsychiatry secondary consultation service aiming to provide equitable access to specialist perinatal and infant psychiatrists in a timely manner and reduce the need to travel for more intensive supports.

Read the referral guidelines on how to refer.

Use the referral form and email e-PIMH@health.qld.gov.au.