About the program

We run the Paediatric Optometry Alignment Program (POAP) program to support optometrists and help them learn how to care for and treat children. The work you do gives us more time to treat patients who need special ophthalmic care.

The program will help you check and treat children’s eyes confidently.

It gives you:

  • skills and knowledge
  • strategies to work and talk with children
  • continual learning and resources
  • a way to learn from and work with other professionals.

We run the program from our Ophthalmology Department.

Join the program

When you join the program, you can become an aligned optometrist.

You’ll work closely with us to treat and care for children after they leave hospital. You can speak with us directly about patients and referrals.

We'll invite you to regular learning events. Our EyeLign newsletter will also keep you up to date with program news and advice.

How to join

To become an aligned optometrist, you’ll need to:

  • meet set standards
  • attend our Paediatric Optometry Clinical Education Workshop – this evidence-based workshop will give you the skills you need to align with the program.

To join the program or find out more about our workshops send an email to CHQ_OptAlign@health.qld.gov.au

Find an aligned optometrist

To refer a patient, see a list of our aligned optometrists.