Our performance information

We measure our performance to help us know what we need to improve.

You can find information about our performance on the Queensland Health website for:

What we report on

You’ll find statistics about:

  • how many patients we’ve admitted to hospital
  • how many patients were seen in emergency, elective surgery, and by specialists
  • waiting times for each type of service.

We also include charts and graphs showing our performance over time.

Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs)

We use a once-off online survey to measure patient experience. We invite parents and carers, children and young people to tell us about their recent experience through an online survey after their visit to the hospital.

PREMs scores for the Queensland Children’s Hospital

The scores below represent the percentage of respondents from the Queensland Children’s Hospital who rated their experience as ‘very good’. We have displayed average scores from across Queensland Health for comparison.

Location Inpatient PREMs - Percentage of parents/carers who rated care as very good
Jan-Mar 2023 (Q1) Apr-Jun 2023 (Q2) Jul-Sep 2023 (Q3) Oct-Dec 2023 (Q4)
Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH)* 79% 79% 79% 79%
Queensland Health (QH) State-Wide 72% 72% 74% 74%

*Responses include inpatient wards, Ellen Barron Family Centre and Jacaranda Place

Location Emergency PREMs - Percentage of parents/carers who rated care as very good
Jan-Mar 2023 (Q1) Apr-Jun 2023 (Q2) Jul-Sep 2023 (Q3)Oct-Dec 2023 (Q4)
Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH) 77% 67% 76% 76%
Queensland Health (QH) State-Wide 66% 66% 69% 68%
Location Outpatients PREMs - Percentage of parents/carers who rated care as very good
Jan-Mar 2023 (Q1) Apr-Jun 2023 (Q2) Jul-Sep 2023 (Q3)Oct-Dec 2023 (Q4)
Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH) 68% 68% 67% 66%
Queensland Health (QH) State-Wide 66% 66% 69% 78%

Source: Approx. 2500 survey responses each quarter.

How we’re responding to feedback

  • Better food options for children and young people with autism.
  • Making hospital changing rooms easier to use.