16 November 2016
Antibiotic resistance: what you need to know
Imagine a future world where a case of tonsillitis could be life-threatening but there is nothing their doctor can do because antibiotics no longer work.
07 November 2016
Help your teen beat the stress of exam block
The time of the school year that most Year 12 students dread – exam block. Try these tips for helping your soon-to-be-school leaver survive exam block.
28 October 2016
From the mouths of babes: A guide to understanding your newborn’s feelings
It’s important to remember that a child’s mental health and wellbeing needs to be nurtured from the moment they are born.
27 October 2016
How to help your children cope with the Dreamworld tragedy
In the wake of this week’s tragic Dreamworld accident, you may be wondering how you can support your children during such an upsetting time.
20 October 2016
Could that persistent cold be an allergy?
Allergy symptoms may be similar to a cold or flu. Blog post for parents about allergies, symptoms and how they can affect your child.
07 October 2016
Walking the lonely journey of youth mental illness
Blog post about mental health in young people written from a mother's perspective.
23 September 2016
Don’t let whooping cough take your child’s breath away
Blog post about whooping cough that reinforces the importance of vaccination in young children.
16 September 2016
Is my child suffering from a headache or migraine?
Blog post about headaches. “I have a headache” is one of the most common health complaints you hear.