26 July 2017
Baby settling survival tips
When babies sleep they release growth hormones, restore energy and lay down memories. Sleep also gives them an opportunity to feel refreshed.
12 June 2017
Looking after your family’s emotional well-being
Families play a defining role in teaching, supporting and nurturing young children as they grow and develop.
05 June 2017
Talking openly about suicide is key to fighting this silent epidemic
Unless we are able to openly talk about suicide, we will never reduce its stigma. And unless stigma is reduced, we will never truly promote healing.
02 June 2017
Busting the myths about head lice
The mere mention of the word ‘nits’ is enough to make your skin crawl. And with good reason – head lice can be incredibly hard to eradicate.
07 April 2017
Don’t be afraid to talk about depression with your kids
Depression is one of the most common health issues for young people in Australia, yet it remains a subject that we don’t talk about anywhere near enough.
17 March 2017
What can I do if my child is a bully?
Find out what are the signs that suggest your child is bullying and what you can do to stop it in our latest Children's Health Queensland blog.
03 March 2017
When to seek help for your child’s anxiety
Anxiety is common in children and young people, and is characterised by the feeling of worry, nervousness or fear.
15 February 2017
A healthy weight is all about the right ingredients
Children and young people come in many different shapes and sizes, and grow at unique rates. There is no one ‘healthy weight’ for every child.
03 February 2017
How to help your baby achieve their developmental milestones
Milestones are more than just photo opportunities and talking points for parents’ group. They can be important indicators of how your child is developing.