Exposure to loud noises is a major causes of hearing loss in Australia. Whether it’s listening to personal devices, using power tools without protection or catching a concert every weekend, the effect of loud noise is a reality that many of us either take for granted or willingly tune out.
According to the World Health Organisation, 50 per cent of teenagers are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening habits, and only one-fifth are aware there is a risk. This lack of awareness means that many young people will only learn after the gradual effect of loud noise exposure irreversibly damages their hearing.
Now is the time to face the music and adopt some healthier hearing habits.
How does loud noise damage hearing?
Ironically, loud sounds do not have to be physically painful or annoying to be unsafe to your hearing. When ears are subjected to excessive or prolonged loud noise that you think you can handle, it can permanently damage the sensitive cells in the cochlea in the inner ear. This starts to affect hearing of certain frequencies – particularly higher frequency sounds (a whistle, squeak or a child’s voice, for example). It can make it difficult to have conversations and to hear clearly in noisy environments.
How loud is too loud?
The risk of damage to your hearing is based on two factors: how loud and for how long.
Continued exposure to noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) – about the level of a vacuum cleaner – over time can cause hearing loss. By turning the volume down, you can listen for longer periods without harming your hearing. For example, if you stay below a sound level of 80 dB, you can listen safely for up to 40 hours per week.
The Australian Government’s Know Your Noise site offers the following examples of everyday sounds, and the length of time we can safely be exposed to these sounds before permanent damage is likely to occur. The louder the sound, the less time you can safely listen to it.
Noise | Decibel Level | How long can you listen without protection? |
Jet take off | 130 | 0 minutes |
Ambulance siren | 109 | Less than 2 minutes |
Personal music player at maximum volume | 106 | 3.75 minutes |
Concert and gigs | 103 | 7.5 minutes |
Using an Electric drill | 94 | 1 hour |
Common signs that you’ve been exposed to loud noises for too long may include:
- ringing, clicking, roaring, hissing or buzzing in your ears
- dull hearing after listening to loud music or removing headphones
- pain in your ears
- difficulty hearing in loud venues
- an increasing need to turn up the volume.
As a rule, the noise is probably too loud if you need to raise your voice to be understood.
Safe listening habits
Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented by adopting safe listening behaviours recommended by the World Health Organisation:
- Keep the volume down. Listen to personal audio devices at a volume level below 60 per cent of maximum.
- Limit the time your ears are exposed to loud music. Remember the 60:60 rule. Listen to your music at 60 per cent of the device’s maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.
- Protect your ears from loud sounds. Wear earplugs in noisy venues and put some distance between yourself and the speakers. Ear plugs can reduce sound levels by between 15 and 35 dBs.
- Use noise-cancelling or over-the-ear type headphones. These block out background noise more effectively than in-ear headphones, which means you can listen to music at a lower level.
- Limit time spent in noisy environments. Give your ears regular short breaks from loud noise and ‘quiet’ time to recover afterwards.
- Monitor listening levels. Use smartphone apps to monitor your sound exposure. Choose devices with built-in safe listening features.
When to get help
If your ears are regularly exposed to loud noise regularly, like listening to music every day through headphones at a high volume, it’s important to have your ears checked if:
- you have persistent ringing (tinnitus) in one or both ears
- you have difficulties hearing high-pitched sounds or following conversations.
Remember, we are surrounded by noise every day. The effects of hearing damage are gradual and cumulative, and not immediately obvious. By being aware of your exposure to loud noise and protecting your hearing now, you can help ensure you maintain healthy hearing for longer.