There are many ways you can get involved including:

  • joining a committee, working group or project team
  • participating in focus groups or forums
  • completing surveys
  • joining an online community of interest and providing feedback or suggestions electronically
  • reviewing and providing feedback on written information for patients and families
  • being involved in staff education and training
  • joining selection panels for recruitment of staff
  • participation in research design.

Your involvement helps us understand what’s important and identify what we do well and how we can improve.

Our consumer representatives and how they engage

Our consumer representatives are people who use, or may use, our services. They come from diverse backgrounds and provide a consumer perspective, contribute to consumer experiences, and take part in decision making processes on behalf of consumers.

We partner with consumer representatives to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes in activities or initiatives to:

  • plan, design and deliver services to better meet the needs of people who use them
  • improve the safety, quality and accessibility of our health service
  • gather feedback about programs, patient information documentation, health activities and reforms.

Some of the activities our consumer representatives have taken part in include our:

  • project to redesign our Level 12 inpatient ward
  • Child and Youth Mental Health Service Generation Zero Suicide Initiative Team
  • In Full Bloom: Podcast by the Eating Disorders Steering Committee
  • COVID-19 and Winter Surge Consumer Panels
  • Child and Youth Community Health Service Breastfeeding Working Group.

Current consumer opportunities

Our committees, working groups, projects and advisory forums give advice about local health care services from a consumer and community perspective and represent the diversity of our community.

By becoming a Children's Health Queensland consumer representative, you’ll help us provide better services and outcomes for the health of children, families and the community.

You can’t take part if you work for us, are an elected official or lobbyist.

To find out other ways to engage with us, email

Register your interest

If you’re interested in any of our current vacancies or other ways of getting involved, fill in our online form.