What’s new?
In 2025, two distinct categories have been introduced:
- Medal of Distinction - Clinical excellence - this award seeks to recognise an individual who has demonstrated clinical excellence in paediatric health care and/or research.
- Medal of Distinction - Community impact - this award seeks to recognise an individual who has demonstrated outstanding contributions in the broader social domains that impact a child’s health and wellbeing, such as education, community support, engagement, or advocacy.
How to nominate someone
Nominations open on 3 March 2025 and close 27 April 2025.
Answer the following questions according to the category you are nominating for.
Clinical excellence category
Please describe in 100-150 words (150 maximum) the following:
- How they’ve made a difference to the health and wellbeing of Queensland children and young people, throughout their life or career. (Please provide an overview, the bigger picture or summary in this answer)
- How they’ve contributed to paediatric health care and/or research which impacts children’s health and wellbeing. (Provide more specifics in this answer)
- How they’ve listened, learned and responded to the voices of children, young people, families, communities and partners in carrying out their work or contribution.
- How their work and achievements have impacted the outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. (This may not be relevant to all nominations. If not relevant please write n/a)
- The values* and qualities they’ve brought to their work in improving the lives of Queensland children and young people.
Community impact category
Please describe in 100-150 words (150 maximum) the following:
- How they’ve made a difference to the health and wellbeing of Queensland children and young people, throughout their life or career. (Please provide an overview, the bigger picture or summary in this answer)
- How they’ve demonstrated outstanding contributions in the broader social domains that impact a child’s health and wellbeing, such as education, community support, engagement, or advocacy.
- How they’ve listened, learned and responded to the voices of children, young people, families, communities and partners in carrying out their work or contribution.
- How their work and achievements have impacted the outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. (This may not be relevant to all nominations. If not relevant please write n/a)
- The values* and qualities they’ve brought to their work in improving the lives of Queensland children and young people.
*Children's Health Queensland values in action:
- Respect – “We listen to others” – teamwork, listening and support.
- Integrity – “We do the right thing” – trust, honesty and accountability.
- Care – “We look after each other and show kindness and concern for others” – compassion, safety and excellence.
- Imagination – “We dream big” – creativity, innovation and research.
Other information
- Please include specific details about their contribution e.g. role(s) or area(s) in which the nominee has demonstrated a significant and sustained contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of children.
- It is optional to include documents or other records to support the nomination (e.g., testimonials, articles or photos to help support the nominee’s service or achievement).
- All nominations will require details of two suitable referees who can confirm the details of the nomination.
- One nomination per person only. The number of nominations for a person will not influence their selection for the award.
- Each nomination will undergo a thorough evaluation based on set criteria by our judging panel.
- All winners (and their nominators) will be advised before the CHQ Excellence Awards event, estimated to take place at the end of August, 2025.
- All nominees (and nominators) will receive correspondence post the Excellence Awards event.
- If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, please contact : chq_hhs@health.qld.gov.au.
Who you can nominate
- Nominees must be a Queensland resident.
- You may nominate someone again if they haven’t received the award in previous rounds.
- You cannot nominate yourself.
How we choose the recipient
An adjudicating panel assesses all nominations and recommends a short list of recipients to the Children’s Health Queensland Board of Directors. The Board makes the final decision based on the information provided.